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[歌词] 《这个杀手不太冷》主题曲

发表于:2016-11-8 来源:石家庄网站 点击:
《中国好歌曲》内幕大曝光李荣 86版西游记令人崩溃的真相:蜘 昭君故里茶园里茶友舞“太极”
河南永城公安局一领导遭举报: 《敲起琴鼓劲逮逮》斩获第十七 京密路改高架延至明年开工
枝江仙女镇第二届石岭脆枣节9 澳洲一个妹纸,遇到了一只迷之 《芈月传》到底是谁的作品?(


Sting是英国著名歌星,也曾是一名出色的摇滚乐手,无论作为police乐队主唱还是后来的个人发展生涯,他都留下了很多经典歌曲。他几乎是英国乐坛长青树,他的音乐有着诗人的特色.他有很多不错的歌曲,都是有异于通俗的。他最为人们所知的一首歌曲是《Shape of my heart》,这是吕克?贝松导演的电影《这个杀手不太冷》(1994)的主题曲。


《这个杀手不太冷》主题曲: Leon The

He deals the cards as a meditation

And those he plays never suspect

He doesn't play for the money he wins

He doesn't play for the respect

He deals the cards to find the answer

The sacred geometry of chance

The hidden law of probable outcome

The numbers lead a dance

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier

I know that the clubs are weapons of war

I know that diamonds mean money for this art

But that's not the shape of my heart

He may play the jack of diamonds

He may lay the queen of spades

He may conceal a king in his hand

While the memory of it fades

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier

I know that the clubs are weapons of war

I know that diamonds mean money for this art

But that's not the shape of my heart

That's not the shape, the shape of my heart

And if I told you that I loved you

You'd maybe think there's something wrong

I'm not a man of too many faces

The mask I wear is one

Those who speak know nothing

And find out to their cost

Like those who curse their luck in too many places

And those who smile are lost

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier

I know that the clubs are weapons of war

I know that diamonds mean money for this art

But that's not the shape of my heart


关键词标签:[歌词] 《这个杀手不太冷》主题曲


上一篇:辨别端砚真伪优劣有六招(图) 下一篇:10个成年人4个血脂异常





